I’m a PhD candidate at UMass Amherst, working at the PLASMA lab and advised by Emery Berger. I tend to find lots of things interesting, but my research focus is on programming languages and software engineering, hoping to make the software world a better place.
Check out our projects:
- RightTyper infers and adds Python type annotations;
- CoverUp guides an LLM to automatically improve your Python test suite’s coverage;
- SlipCover hugely reduces the overhead of coverage testing in Python, down to almost zero! I also spoke at PyCon ’24 about SlipCover and Python’s PEP669;
- Scalene, a very popular CPU+GPU+memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals;
- pytest-cleanslate, a plugin for pytest that helps developers find and work around the causes of state pollution in their tests.
I also serve in the Program Committee for CppCon, the C++ conference.
In the last years, some of the papers I co-authored received awards: our Scalene paper received the Best Paper Award at OSDI 2023 and our Visual Question Answering paper received the Best Student Paper Award at SIGIR 2023.
I returned to research after several years working in industry, most of them as CTO of Port25 Solutions, a company I co-founded. Our product, an email server named PowerMTA, was hugely popular because of its performance and stability; it also helped pioneer standards such as DKIM and IDN. When my company was acquired, I served for a few years as SVP of Research and Development. That line of work actually started with research: as an undergraduate, I worked for a center tasked with handling email; I started experimenting to make things more efficient, and that eventually led me to PowerMTA.
Years ago, for my Master’s thesis, I dove into network security and wrote an intrusion detection system for protocol-borne attacks on the DNS.